Analyze poverty with empowerment BMT
Second, the market is wide open. The majority of the perpetrators of our economy is actually the micro-economic actors. Traders traditional market average is mbok-mbok basket, cadger, food and other stalls. Prediksinya to future opportunities in this sector is still very wide.
Thirdly, the interest banks Fatwa unlawful. Fatwa effects make this clear the banking sector (read: conventional) slightly beaten. Slowly but surely people started to switch to the sharia. Conventional financial institutions and many of its own 'latah' implement the system Dual Bank. Competition to become competitive. This is reasonable because the growth of sharia banking assets predicted could reach 65%. How does not become a new market?
Along with its booming financial institutions, especially the sharia microfinance sector (read: BMT) was also noted that many issues must be resolved soon. There is no parent organization (such as BI) which is the reference for the BMT. Eksesnya spread to many things, The supervision and reporting of financial, operational standard raw materials, process development Resources Humanities (SDI) and other.
According to the author hemat factors SDI became the main focus pembenahan, although other factors also become a priority. Because the perpetrator (SDI) in this business that will make the BMT is big or 'bankrupt'. A large number of BMT appear, say, with roughly as much as 500 percent of the fruit, not a guarantee will continue to stand. Most only 40% are still 'breathing' (read: life), and function. Most of which live only itupun based on the spirit (ghirah). The nature and attitude have not become a professional culture of work. While professionalism is a competency that must be held to build an institution.
There are at least three factors that can be seen in the grip of professionalism. First, IQ (intelegent question). Is the IQ here is an ability that is required to think of an institution. Managing an organization requires thinking strategies and a reliable and accurate. Moreover, the number of institutions that appear BMT directly or will not become competitors. Too much friction is ideally will require new innovations so that these institutions and are still known.
Second, the skills (skills). The definition here is the managerial and operational capabilities. Skills that will make a workmanlike performance of a positive and productive.
Third, the attitude (attitude). This attitude reflects the behavior of an institution's management. BMT also should be able to be the best institution for the public.
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