Bank Syariah Utamakan Marketing Plan
11:38 PM | Author: Herr
Bank Syariah Utamakan Marketing Plan

JOGJA - As a business service organization based trust factor, the Bank Syariah always the marketing plan to spur development. For the industry as Bank Syariah new offer new products, the market varies, and have different management.
Head of Branch Bank Syariah Mandiri Yogyakarta, MA Suharto as the new industry, in marketing the Bank Syariah analyzing positioning, such as analysis of market share, the company strategy, distribution strategy, and analyze the benefits of various products issued Bank Syariah.
"Bank Syariah have any type of product-specific and varied products such as financing, sale and purchase, lease, receivables, mortgage loans and good," said Suharto, which explains the implementation of the marketing program in Bank Syariah Meansuring seminar Marketing Program Effectiveness, Monday (26/12) Integrated UMY on campus.
Suharto said market segmentation Bank Syariah manifold. There are a select Bank Syariah because emotional factors or religious factors, some are choosing rational Bank Syariah based on factors fortunately loss. Other market segments are retail and institutional.
"All must be able to serve banking sharia, because the market share bus Bank Syariah relatively small. In addition to the emotional volume of the market at this time is relatively small in the appeal that there are rational market," added Suharto said that the concept of the Bank Syariah not only Muslims only, but rahmatan lil alamin.
Management of Bank Syariah, Suharto is different from the more conventional bank. Human resources to manage at least sharia banking is a combination of professionalism and spirituality. Because, besides the banking operations in general and understand about tehnologi and informatics, human resources at Bank Syariah aspects of sharia are required to understand the science muamalah.
"Bank Syariah also have different standards of service berciri typical Sharia. With the system, through the features that is issued, the facilities outside the building, in buildings and facilities such as ATM, Mushola, and media campaigns as well as form," Suharto demolished. ( Radar Jogja )
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Yogyakarta hotels Indonesia
6:11 PM | Author: Herr

Yogyakarta hotels Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, located in the south-central Java Island, is the second smallest province of Indonesia with a total area of 3,185.80 km². It is situated at a distance of 600 km from Jakarta and 1000 km from Bali. Being one of the foremost cultural centers of Java the city inherits a special charm and tradition, which makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia.
Yogyakarta has numerous tourist attractions like beaches such as Baron, Kukup; Candi Temples such as Borobudur, Prambanan; and Museum and monuments such as Kekayon museum, Affandi museum. However, the key attraction of the place is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace). It is a very lively city that always hosts art of theater, music, classical and contemporary dances and many more. Yogyakarta is also considered as shopper's delight. There are good range of hotels in Yogyakarta as per the taste and budget of every tourist. You can get detailed information on the Yogyakarta hotels and other hotels in Indonesia at AsiaRooms. We provide best hotels deal at favorable discounts. So without further delay make online reservation for the hotels in Yogyakarta with AsiaRooms now.
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Modernize Traditional Market
5:44 PM | Author: Herr

Modernize Traditional Market

12/01/2009 11:26:44 to protect traditional markets, the government could invest in large-scale to build and improve facilities in the markets, so it does not seem to make slums and markets as a competitor, modern shopping center. "Markets started tergeser traditional markets because of the construction of modern facilities and be less. I worry if the problem is not serious, the traditional market that was small object people will tergeser by modern markets. Before that happens if the local government would that modernize traditional markets, "said economic expert from Gadjah Mada University Revrisond Baswier. So that markets can exist for a more competitive competition, ideally limit the permission of the local government department. However, in practice if it can not be optimal, the government should optimize the development of traditional markets. This is important. Because in the era of globalization increasingly selective in determining consumer shopping. So in addition to cheap prices, facilities and comfort is also a priority. What about the attitude Market Traders Association of Indonesia (APPSI) maraknya the mall? According to the Chairman of APPSI DIY, GKR Pembayun, to anticipate maraknya mall-mall APPSI Management center is trying to set up a short distance through the provision at this time have started socialized. Nevertheless APPSI himself as an administrator still feel concerned with the mall. According Pembayun, there is a tendency for the price of goods at the hypermarket is lower than the traditional markets. To overcome that, besides the distance, the price should also be considered. Last year it was already applied for example, start at the price of eggs hypermarket / supermarket may not be lower than the traditional market. To protect the existence of the markets, he added, the association had objections over the mall-mall that the flare. Read More..
Modernize Traditional Market ( Part 2 )
5:37 PM | Author: Herr

Modernize Traditional Market

Objection is submitted through the management of the center to be next or communicate in the Ministry of Trade. "I'm optimistic if the markets managed well, in addition to the consumers feel more comfortable when shopping, the traditional market can be one of the objects that have a tourism prospect is good," explained. Kabid of Trade of Industry, Trade and Cooperation (Disperindagkop) DIY, Riyadi Good explained, the existence of traditional and modern market can not dibenturkan. Both this market segment has its own. However Riyadi the importance of implementing the certainty of the traditional market price. Not because a few people who are reluctant to bid and select a more exact price, such as in the modern market. "If the traditional market traders to give an exact price will be better," he said. While the modern market, Riyadi add, have a particularly positive role in a product for small businesses small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), including agricultural products.
Therefore, the role of the market should be able to absorb modern production MSMEs. However, he recognizes the need to distance or location of the modern market, not to each other collide. "The authority to manage the existence of modern markets are located in the district / city level," he said. Own party in support of the provincial level, as initiated by the Commission B DPRD DIY. The idea to create a Traditional Market regulation is necessary to further coordination with Pemkab / Pemkot in DIY. Vice Chairman of Commission B DPRD DIY, Nur Achmad Affandi out, support the protection of the traditional market of the development of modern markets. On the basis of that, the council then has the Raperda Traditional Market. "We want competition in the middle of this, the interests of small communities in the traditional markets still awake," he said. So far, the idea for the establishment of this Raperda hold dug. It is expected that the market can be a matter of a draft form. Meanwhile, Chairman of Kadin DIY, H Soekamto ask the government to increase attention to the provision of market for the community. In addition, the interests of small people into the government's attention. Self-Service Commissioner Pamella Drs H Sunardi Sahuri states, in addition to livelihood and help reduce high unemployment, with a modern shopping center to establish himself hope the community can make it easier to meet daily needs. Although the type of goods offered is not much different from the goods sold in traditional markets, but did not consider himself the traditional market as a competitor. Instead it is building togetherness (synergies) to provide the best service.
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Analyze poverty with empowerment BMT

Gejolak ekonomi yang terjadi di hampir seluruh belahan dunia akhir-akhir ini menjadi sebuah persoalan serius. Pertanyaan besar kita (baca: masyarakat) adalah kenapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Apakah ekonomi liberal sudah tidak sesuai dengan jaman? Atau memang karena sistem sesuai?
Seperti kita tahu, sistem ekonomi saat ini secara umum didasarkan pada mekanisme pasar, sehingga tuntutan pasar akan ditentukan kekuatan pemodal. Ekses lebih jauh adalah orang yang punya uang (modal) semakin bisa menciptakan (mendikte) pasar untuk menambah kekayaannya. Dengan kata lain ternyata sistem ekonomi sekarang lebih memperlebar jurang kemiskinan.
Salah satu alternatif yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi kemiskinan adalah dengan gerakan pemberdayaan ekonomi. Seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh Muhammad Yunus dengan pola Gramend Bank-nya. Menurut dia, kemiskinan bukan karena ketidakmampuan seseorang dalam memperbaiki taraf hidupnya, tetapi lebih karena belum adanya kepercayaan terhadap kemampuan mereka. Hal ini telah dibuktikan M.Yunus, dengan uang stimulan yang tidak banyak (pribadi) bisa memberdayakan mereka. Dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah basis mereka adalah kalangan mikro, karena kalau kita cermati kalangan mikro adalah penyumbang terbesar dalam sistem ekonomi khususnya di Indonesia.
Berbicara gerakan ekonomi mikro tak salah jika sekarang menyebut peran salah lembaga mikro (syariah) yaitu BMT. Perkembangan dan sepak terjang BMT luar biasa.
Hal ini terlihat dari antusias masyarakat yang mulai menggunakan jasa layanan BMT. Selain itu juga terlihat dari banyaknya BMT yang muncul dan berkembang. Hal ini mungkin didorong oleh kesadaran masyarakat yang mulai timbul dan juga dipicu adanya kinerja positif, produk dan fasilitas yang diberikan. Menariknya, kini secara umum sudah terdapat sinyal-sinyal yang menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat lebih tertarik untuk bergabung dengan perbankan syariah (termasuk BMT) dan meninggalkan dunia perbankan konvensional dengan semakin baiknya kinerja dan persepsi masyarakat.
Gejolak ekonomi Nasional yang terjadi sejak tahun 1998 ternyata tidak membuat BMT goyah. Bahkan dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir semakin banyak tumbuh dan berkembang BMT. Karena sejalan dengan filosofinya, BMT adalah lembaga pemberdayaan dengan tujuan saling menguntungkan. Faktor inilah yang menjadikan BMT bisa digunakan sebagai alat mengurangi kemiskinan dengan model pemberdayaan.
Hal ini yang menjadi salah satu alasan para pelaku bisnis mulai tertarik mendalami dan terjun langsung di dunia BMT. Dengan proses yang tidak rumit, seorang pelaku bisnis yang mempunyai modal dapat dengan mudah mendirikan BMT. Namun, tidak semudah pendiriannya, proses pengembangan dan pengendalian BMT memerlukan sumber daya insani (SDI) yang berjiwa wirausaha dan ketelatenan serta keuletan yang tinggi. Hal itulah nampaknya yang kurang diperhatikan dalam pendirian BMT.
Muncul dan berkembangnya BMT memang tidak terlepas dari berbagai faktor. Pertama, bisnis ini pada masa awalnya terkesan mudah dan gampang dilakukan. Dengan modal seadanya orang bisa membuat BMT. Saking begitu gampangnya sehingga kadang banyak sebutan yang dialamatkan kepada BMT dengan nada miring, dari rentenir syariah, penagih syariah dan sebagainya. Selain dari sisi hukum juga masih dipertanyakan banyak orang.

HC Adi Kistoro
BMT Consultants, Living in Yogyakarta
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